Join us for a Conversation with City Staff and David Cooke on Issues Related to the 10 Recommendations
February 9, 2024 | 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
@Fort Worth Convention Center Room 201A
Meeting Agenda
2:30-3:00 -- REC Recommendation Nine:Â "Heavy investment in HR retention efforts is needed to support and promote high-performing staff for the cultural shift towards problem-solving. Provide opportunities to advance within departments to avoid talent loss."Â
HR Director Dianna Giordano will make a presentation about new related initiatives in place or in progress.
3:00-3:30 -- An Update on REC Recommendation One: "Expand the overwhelmingly positive trajectory within the Development Services Department to all development related departments."
DJ Harrell, Ty Thompson, and Jerry Pressly will provide a comprehensive update on recent changes and new training initiatives. After this update, we will open the floor for discussion.
3:30-4:00 -- Discussion on REC Recommendation Three: "Resolve city’s internal process conflicts between departments and remove the expectation that the customer will find a way to resolve them on their own."
We believe this topic holds significant importance for our city's development community, and we look forward to engaging in a constructive dialogue. In that vein, we would ask that REC members provide written comments regarding this topic in advance of the forum so that they may be read and discussed. We would like to provide the following guidelines for your comments:
CURRENT: Please limit your comments/topics to occurrences you have directly encountered in the last six months.
SPECIFIC: Be as specific as possible in your comments. Avoid vague statements like "Water reviews need improvement."
TRENDING: Focus on repeat occurrences to identify trends rather than one-off exceptions.
4:00 - 4:30 -- Update from Oncor
Want to read more on the 10 Recommendations REC sent the City Manager? -- Do that here.
Karen Vermaire Fox