MEMBERSHIPIt's Time To Renew Your 2024-2025 Membership With REC of GFW!Renewals for the 2024/2025 Membership Year Have Begun! We encourage you to renew your dues today! Renewing your membership is not just...
GOVERNMENT AFFAIRSResolution in Support of Transit Moves Fort WorthSince the creation of the Real Estate Council, mobility and transit have been at the forefront of our public policy work. In 2019, the...
GOVERNMENT AFFAIRSREC of GFW Letter of Support: Support for TEXRail In 2019, REC of GFW wrote the following letter of support to the FTA in support of the TEXRail Project Extension to the Medical District.
GOVERNMENT AFFAIRSBi-Annual Fort Worth Voter Survey Summary - 2019REC of GFW commissioned a voter survey on public policy and quality of life issues for 400 Fort Worth voters March of 2019.