Is Fort Worth on the road to becoming a suburb of Dallas? Are we already there?
Land is cheap -- are our policies sustainable?
As we continue to talk about sustainable growth for the City of Fort Worth, the Real Estate Council is focused on learning from the experts to help curb suburban sprawl and be good stewards of the land we have.
Please join us for a Fireside Chat with Joseph Minicozzi, AICP, the principal of Urban3. Joe is an urban planner imagining new ways to think about and visualize land use, urban design, and economics.

Jeff Davis is hosting!
There will, of course, be great wine and beer along with some good appetizers.
Travis Clegg is moderating.
Full and Founding/Sustaining members are invited.
RSVP today to join us on Wednesday, June 8th from 5:30-7:30 pm. for some excellent information gathering and robust discussion.