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2022 Mary's Creek Resolution Letter

Mary's Creek Water Reclamation Facility Location Map - From the City of Fort Worth

REC's Public Affairs Committee has spent the past decade addressing issues that affect development. On May 24, 2022, the Real Estate Council of Greater Fort Worth wrote the following letter to City of Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker and Tarrant Regional Water District President Leah King:

Mayor Mattie Parker City of Fort Worth President Leah King Tarrant Regional Water District Dear Mayor Parker and President King, The Real Estate Council of Fort Worth is thankful that you, your elected colleagues and your respective staff experts came together in agreement for the Mary’s Creek discharge permit. Our more than 500 members realize the importance of ensuring future water supply and protecting existing water quality – we are seeing now what water depletion and water rationing is causing on the west coast. We all continue to be reminded that Fort Worth and Tarrant County can accomplish what our dreams and imaginations conceive when we work together to chart the future, solve challenges, and communicate openly with each other. Your water agreement is no small accomplishment. Thank you for ably taking us into the future and for your service to our community and thank you for including the Real Estate Council in this important conversation. We look forward to partnering with the TRWD and the City of Fort Worth in the future.   Sincerely,

To learn more about the Mary's Creek Water Reclamation Facility Project, click here.

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